Welcome to my running blog! I'm 56 and have been running since 2012. These days I mostly run for fitness. I have included many race reports which may help others evaluate potential race options. My tentative plan is to run until I'm 100. And miles to go before I sleep...
About Me
I'm a runner in my 50s who has been running marathons and other races since 2012. I grew up in Tallahassee, Florida, moved to Atlanta in January 1990, and moved to St. Petersburg, FL (paradise) in May 2021. In Atlanta, I casually started running the Peachtree Road Race 10K each year because it seemed like "a cool thing to do." I never trained for more than three months, and I quit training each year as soon as I finished the race, rationalizing that it was too damn hot and hilly. In Spring 2011, though, at age 43, something clicked for me. I started running slower, but longer. I pushed 6 miles out to 10, then to 13. By September 2011, I had my first 20-miler under my belt. As I began accumulating miles, I became eager to test the waters with longer races. I ran my first half marathon in October 2011, and I ran my first marathon in March 2012. Since then, I have run 21 official marathons, 1 "virtual" marathon,20 half marathons, a trail marathon, a 200-mile relay race, two sprint triathlons, 26 Peachtree Road Race 10Ks (and many others of that distance), plus a smattering of 15Ks, 10-milers, and 5Ks. Experiencing these races and all the training that goes along with them has led me to discover so much about my deepest self. I can truly say that running has transformed my life!
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