What a fun race! Held in the town of Roswell in their charming Historic District, this event offered two different race distances. Previously the race included a 5K only. This year, however, they decided to shake things up and add in a 10-Miler race as well. It's a bit of an unusual distance, and, being my first race of that length, I automatically scored a PR - woo hoo!
Official time: 1:14:32 (7:28 pace)
Women 45-49: 3 out of 43 (7.0%)
All Women: 4 out of 294 (1.4%)
Overall: 20 out of 466 (4.3%)
The event was very well organized, with plenty of nearby parking, convenient race number pick-up both the day before and the day of the race, and a nice stretchy tee shirt that came in both men's and women's sizes. They even donned beautiful finisher medals on all who completed the 10-Miler! After the race, area instructors held complimentary yoga sessions.
I first learned of this race from a friend, Bill, who as a race sponsor, had some race passes to offer a few friends. He was so kind to bestow two of these upon my friend, Rachelle, and me. We thank you, Bill! Although we had not previously heard of the event, as race day approached, we saw that it had become very popular. It even sold out in its inaugural year.
I woke at 4:45 Saturday morning, leaving just enough time to do the bare essentials before I headed over. One of these tasks was to drop a Nuun tab into my squeeze water bottle. I even remembered to prop the lid on top gently so that the fizzing of the dissolving tab would not cause the lid to get too tight. I headed out, feeling calm and confident. A couple minutes later, though, I grabbed my water bottle to drink some of the Nuun drink. Oops. The lid came tumbling into my lap, along with half the contents of the bottle! I quickly screeched to a halt, made a U-turn, and headed back home to get a towel. I was literally marinating in a puddle of Nuun. Luckily, my tank top was black and my skirt was dark. I decided to just blot myself off the best I could and to make do without changing. With my mood (and my clothes) a bit dampened, I headed back out again.
Shortly after I arrived, I saw Bill and then Rachelle. Rachelle and I hung out in my van so we could stay warm until right before the race. When we got to the start line, we soon realized that we were in the 5K line-up and that the start to the 10-Miler was a fairly long way up the road. With just seconds to spare, I reached the starting line and headed out. Rachelle was still doing some final stretching when the gun went off.
My plan was to take this race at about a 7:42 pace. One reason I wanted to play it conservatively is that I had another race coming up the next Saturday. It's a 10K on a mostly flat course where the goal is to break 45 minutes. That is one of my intermediate steps toward a bigger goal of running the hot, hilly Peachtree Road Race 10K in under 43 minutes. Taking two minutes off a 10K time sounds like a huge undertaking, but the faster I can run next weekend, the less of a difference I'll need to shave off in the next two months.
Sometimes I stop and wonder why in the world I get caught up in all these numbers and goals, and not just run for fun. However, I am a numbers person, so figuring out paces and other running statistics is actually fun to me. Also, I love to set and work toward goals. When they are hard to reach, I find that I rise to the challenge with even more determination. Each time I run a PR, I reflect on it with disbelief and wonder how I managed to pull off a certain pace. Then I realize it's because I love running and because I love to work hard! The results accompany the work that goes into them. I certainly don't reach every goal, but I do learn a valuable lesson with each failure. Then I just reassess, smile, and move on!
Since the first part of this particular race was downhill, I went ahead and allowed myself to have a fast start. There were plenty of hills to navigate, so I wanted to enjoy the parts that were easy. I noticed my watch read 1.1 miles as I passed their 1-mile marker. Either the marker was placed incorrectly or my watch was off. Because of this, I did not get to see my split.
At about halfway through the second mile, I heard very rapid footsteps coming up behind me. Without even looking, I just knew it had to be Rachelle. It was! As she caught up to me, we gave each other a little cheer and then she sauntered on ahead. I didn't even try to keep up with her because I knew I was supposed to be running conservatively. No other females passed me the rest of the race and I did not pass any of them. I had guys on my right and guys on my left, the whole way!

It was a bit daunting going down because I knew this course was an oval and that we would be going up the exact same terrain on the mirror side of that oval. However, I figured I might as well enjoy it while it lasted. About the time it flattened out again, heading into the second half. I was running between two other guys and we were all discussing what was in store for us around the bend. It seems they had not studied the course map. Gotta do your homework, guys! I told them we were in for the reverse of that lovely hill we just came down. They groaned, I chuckled, and we all chugged on.

Since I had never done yoga before, I was itching to check it out. The lady who led us had set out rubber mats for us. Unfortunately, I happened to be on my bad knee (the one that got skinned a while back) when I made a sharp twist. I caught it exactly at the worst place! Ouch! Other than that, though, everything felt really good.

The morning was fun and the best part is that my legs don't feel tired or sore at all like they did after my last hilly half marathon. That's a good thing because I have speed work on Tuesday and a 10K on Saturday!